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Frequently asked questions

Below are a few frequently asked questions when ordering from Donias Dishes. Please read these questions and answers to improve your ordering experience. Thanks

Boxed Food

How does this work?

I have 3 meal plans to choose from. You can choose up to a certain amount of sides and entrees depending on the plan you choose. Place your order on our MEAL PREP page. Entrees and sides will be mixed and matched unless given specific instructions. Meals are typically ready with in two days. Pickup and delivery available

(delivery fees will be applied)

How long does the food last?

My meals have a 5 day shelf life at the back of your fridge (coolest part). One month in the freezer

Can I get a discount for referring a friend?

Yes! If you refer me to three friends who all purchase my meals you can get a meal plan of your choice for half off. About

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